dovetail Package

dovetail Package

Dovetail API implementation.

Class-relationship diagram

          Module:                            Module:

                        build file                                 +--------------+
+-------------+       +-------------+        +-------------+       | Dependencies |
|             |------>|             |<------*|             |       +--------------+
| PackageNode |       | BuildModule |        |    Task     |
|             |*-+    |             |*-+     |             |       +--------------+
+-------------+  |    +-------------+  |     +-------------+       | TaskWrapper  |
             \___/                 \___/            ^              +--------------+
            Package                 Loaded          |
           Structure                                |           Objects in are related
                                                    |           but look each other up dynamically
                                             |              |
           +-------------+ <<creates>>       |  Execution   |
           |             |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>|              |*-+
           |             |                   +--------------+  |
           |  Processor  |                          ^      \___/
           |             |                          |
           |             | <<creates>>       +--------------+
           |             |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>|              |
           +-------------+                   |    Result    |
                                             |              |



  • PackageNode: Model of package/directory structure of the build files

  • BuildModule: Models build files

  • Task: Model of a Task
  • Processor: The class that runs the build
    • Execution: The running and completed state of the build
    • Result: Container for a build’s result

Flow of events

The major flow of events when running within the same Python VM:

.        .   .                               .
.                  .               .                                           .
. +-------------+  .               .                                           .
. |    main()   |  .               .                                           .
. +-------------+  .               .                                           .
.        |         .               .                                           .
.        v         .               .                                           .
. +-------------+  .   +--------+ This instantiates the                        .
. |   inner()   |----->| load() | PackageNode, BuildModule                     .
. +-------------+  .   +--------+ and Task objects                             .
.        |         .               .                                           .
.        v         .               .                                           .
. +-------------+  .               .                                           .
. | execute_in_ |  .               .  +---------+    +----------------------+  .
. |    vm()     |-------------------->| build() |--->| Processor._execute() |  .
. +-------------+  .               .  +---------+    +----------------------+  .
.                  .               .                                           .



execute_in_vm() calls stamp_environment() to set a number of environment variables before the call to build()

Processor._execute implementation

The Processor ‘runs’ a build using the following algorithm to execute a single Task, recording activity in Execution instances on a stack. The Execution states are defined in the Enumeration dovetail.engine.STATE:

  • Method Processor._execute(self, task):

    1. Begin: Push a new Execution frame onto the stack

    2. Check for errors:

      2.1. Check if we have already run this task. If update the frame to STATE.REPEATED

      and go to #10

      2.2. Check if there is a circular invocation which has lead to

      an infinite recursion. If so, fail the build and go to #10

    3. CWD: Change working directory unless specifically disabled with @cwd(None)

    4. Directives: Execute the TaskWrapper.before() method of all directives

    5. Dependencies: If Execution.state is not STATE.SKIPPED or STATE.FAILED:

      5.1. Loop over Task.dependencies()

      5.1.1. Recursive call to Processor._execute() to execute the Task.

      If the execution was not successful (Execution.is_ok() is False), fail this Task with STATE.ABORT and go to #8

    6. CWD: Check the working directory to ensure that anything the dependents did is reverted here before the main body of the Task runs

    7. Body: Execute the Task body by execute the function returned by Task.get_function()

    8. Directives: Execute the TaskWrapper.after() method of all directives in reverse order

    9. If nothing went wrong, mark this Execution with STATE.SUCCEEDED

    10. CWD: Reset the working directory

    11. End: Pop the Execution stack frame

This method is heavily error-trapped and guarded - in the event that any failures occur in the directives (in the TaskWrapper.before() and TaskWrapper.after() methods) or the task dependencies or the task’s function, the method will catch the error and fail gracefully and safely.


Exceptions raised during this process can trigger two different outcomes:

  1. If the exception occurs executing a Task function, then the Task is failed (STATE.FAIL), and the build is failed
  2. Otherwise, the exception must have come from the Dovetail framework, so the exception is propagated up the the highest level as a system failure.

config Module

Handles the command-line parameter configuration and the configuration files

dovetail.config.BOOLEAN = ['true', 't', 'on', 'yes', 'y', '1', 'ok', 'false', 'f', 'off', 'no', 'n', '0']

A conjunction of TRUE and FALSE

dovetail.config.FALSE = ['false', 'f', 'off', 'no', 'n', '0']

Values that are considered ‘True’ in the configuration file

class dovetail.config.Option(name, validator=None, mapper=None)

Bases: object

A class which encapsulates an option in the Dovetail section of the configuration file, and the code to validate the entry and map it to the internal data model.

  • name (string) – Name of an Option group
  • validator (function(string)) – Defaults None. A function that validates a value in the config file If None, no validation is performed
  • mapper (function(string)) – Defafult None. A function that converts a value found in a config file to the appropriate internal type and value. If None, the value is isomorphic - it is not mapped.
static lookup(name)

Returns the Option with the given name.


Converts the value into the appropriate representation for the option using the Option ‘mapper’ function.

Parameters:value (string) – A value to look up
Returns:The mapped value
Raises :ValueError if value does not validate
dovetail.config.TRUE = ['true', 't', 'on', 'yes', 'y', '1', 'ok']

Values that are considered ‘True’ in the configuration file

dovetail.config.apply_config_to_args(parser, args)

Takes a config file (in parser) and applies the Dovetail section to the argparser (or dictionary) in args.

  • parser (ConfigParser.ConfigParser) – A ConfigParser with loaded file
  • args (argparser.ArgumentParser) – The ArgumentParser constructed from the command line
Raises :



Reads the Environment section of a ConfigParser, writing all entries to os.environ.

Parameters:parser (class:ConfigParser.ConfigParser) – The ConfigParser

For each item in [Environment], an environment variable will be set in os.environ with the item’s value.


Returns the string as a boolean.

Parameters:boolean_as_string (string) – A string, eg from the config file
Returns:The boolean representation of boolean_as_string
Return type:boolean

coerce_to_boolean() is not case sensitive. It looks up appropriate values for True from TRUE.

It is assumed that boolean_as_string is valid (i.e. has already been passed to is_a_boolean() without ValueError


Creates the command line parser.

Returns:An ArgumentParser instance
Return type:argparse.ArgumentParser

Looks at the various ini file locations and probes them; if it finds a config file, it will use load_config_file() to load the file, and return the then return the ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser for it.

Returns:A ConfigParser loaded from the best configuration file found or None
Return type:ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser

See load_config() for more details


Returns without error if the string can be mapped to a boolean.

Parameters:boolean_as_string (string) – The string from a config file
Returns:The value as a boolean
Return type:boolean
Raises :ValueError if boolean_as_string is not in BOOLEAN

Loads the configuration for Dovetail from configuration files and the command-line arguments; command line overrides configuration files.

Parameters:command_line_args (list of string) – The command line arguments
Returns:An ArgumentParser with modifications from the config file
Return type:argparse.ArgumentParser

The configuration file is found with find_best_config(). It is in two sections:

  • Section Dovetail:
  • Section Environment:
    • For each item in this section, an environment variable will be set in os.environ with the item’s value
    • apply_config_to_environ() reads and applies the values

Loads the config file named in config_file into a SafeConfigParser, validating the file argument

Parameters:config_file (string) – A path to a configuration file to be read
Returns:A configuration parser with the file loaded in it
Return type:ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser

Returns the correct enumeration value for the Log Level.

Parameters:level (string) – A Log dovetail.util.logging.LEVEL value
Returns:The log level enumeration value
Return type:int
Raises :ValueError if level is not a valid log level

Utility function to print the help of the Dovetail argparser.

Parameters:out_file (File Object) – Default None (std_out). An optional file stream to write the help to

Utility function to print the usage instructions of the Dovetail argparser.

Parameters:out_file (File Object) – Default None (std_out). An optional file stream to write the help to

Returns a list of space-separated items in the string; if the string is empty, an empty list is returned

Parameters:words (string) – A space-separated series of items
Returns:Splits the string on spaces, returning a list of items. If words if None or empty, the empty list is returned
Return type:list

constants Module

Version and product information constants

dovetail.constants.DESCRIPTION = 'Dovetail: A light-weight, multi-platform build tool with Continuous Integration servers like Jenkins in mind'

Description of Dovetail for

dovetail.constants.DEVELOPMENT_STATUS = 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta'

Development status for

dovetail.constants.VERSION = '1.0beta3'

The version of Dovetail, for

Returns the contants of the file as a string

engine Module

The processing engine and state objects.

class dovetail.engine.Execution(task)

Bases: object

A stack frame recording the internal and external aspects of processing a Task and its dependents.

Parameters:task (Task) – The task whose execution is recorded

The Execution stack is returned to by build() function wrapped in a Result.


Attribute Type Description
task Task A reference to the Task that ran.
state Enum from STATE Record of the state of the processing. See state table see STATE
start, finish datetime.datetime Start and end time of processing. If the processing has not finished, finish is None
parent Execution The Execution instance that directly or indirectly invoked this task
dependents list of Execution List of Execution instances of direct or indirect task invocations
skip_reasons list of string Accumulated messages from @skip_if, @do_if or any other cause of this task being skipped
result any The return value of the Task (if successful)
exception Exception If the task failed, the Exception that was thrown from the Task
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback   Details from the exception retrieved by sys.exc_info().

Set the state to indicate that a dependency of the Task failed; this Task will be aborted


Adds another Execution instance as a child of this.

Parameters:execution (Execution) – A child task of this

Set the state of the class:Execution to indicate that a Task has called build() and that task has completed


Set the state of the Execution to indicate that a Task has called build() to run another Task.

This state continues only until the called Task returns


Returns the number of Execution instances in the tree.

If this has no children, it will return 1


Returns the depth of this call in the call stack.

Returns:Depth of this Execution in the call stack
Return type:int

Returns how long the task took, including dependencies.

Returns:Duration of execution
Return type:float

Returns the duration that the dependencies of this Execution took to execute

Returns:Duration of dependency execution
Return type:float

Returns the time inherent in processing the Task, i.e. less its dependencies

Returns:Duration of execution of the Task
Return type:float

Returns a list of all executions from this point down the graph ordered by their elapsed internal duration (eg exclude) with the longest elapsed executions first


Set the state to indicate the Task failed with an exception.

Parameters:exception (Exception) – The exception thrown by the task

Searches the Execution graph for the Execution object which failed the build, either returning the Execution object or None

Returns:The Exception which maps to the Task which failed the build. Returns None if no exception
Return type:Execution or None

Returns a list containing this and all dependent Executions


Returns a formatted exception message, exactly as Python does, for the exc_type, exc_value and exc_traceback attributes.

Returns:Formatted exception
Return type:string

Returns a list of Message objects that were logged.

Returns:Messages recorded during the execution of the task
Return type:list of Message

Returns True if this node failed and captured a stack trace


Runs sys.exc_info() to stamp this object with the stack trace of the current exception


Set the state of the Execution to indicate processing of the internal task itself (dependencies complete)


Is the Task complete?

Returns:Returns True if the Task has completed execution, successfully or not
Type :boolean

Returns True if the Task has completed execution without error.

Returns:Returns True if Execution.state is SKIPPED, SUCCEEDED or REPEATED
Type :boolean

Log a message to be recorded on the Execution object.

Parameters:message (string) – A message

This may later be retrieved programmatically or reported


Returns true if the Execution received any error messages from stderr.

Returns:Did this task generate output on stderr?
Return type:boolean

Set the state to indicate that this Task has already run


Retrieves a value from the Execution frame store

Works in conjunction with store().


Sets the result of the Task.


This has to be set before the Task is said to be complete because the TaskWrapper.after() directives may fail the overall result


Set the state to indicate the Task was skipped.

Parameters:reason (string) – The reason for skipping the Task
store(key, value)

Stores the key-value pair in a dictionary in the Execution frame for later retrieval allowing multiple participants to share data.

store() works in conjunction with retrieve() to create a:

  • Shared whiteboard - use simple keys such as strings, or
  • Private rendezvous for mementos - use a private key such as a function reference

Set the state to indicate the execution was successful, capturing the result


Update the state to record that a system exception has occurred, and to fail the ongoing build.

Parameters:exception (Exception) – A system exception thrown by Dovetail, a directive or predicate
dovetail.engine.PROCESSOR = <dovetail.engine.Processor object at 0x10c5ee490>

Reference to the Processor singleton

class dovetail.engine.Processor

Bases: object

The processor that runs tasks and their decorators and maintains a call stack of Execution instances.

To run (or build) a Task, use the build() function.

class dovetail.engine.Result(execution)

Bases: object

The results of executing a build.

Result is constructed by Processor after the build has completed, successfully or otherwise.

Parameters:execution (Execution) – The top-level stack frame


Attribute Type Description
task Task A reference to the Task that ran. If the build was launched with multiple tasks this will be the NullTask
success boolean A boolean indicating if this run was successful or not
result any The return value of the Task (if successful)
execution Execution A reference to the Execution instance containing a complete history of the run
exception Exception If the run failed, the Exception that was thrown from the failing Task
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback   Details from the exception retrieved by sys.exc_info().
BANNER = "\n===============================================================================\n{0}\n\n Task '{1}' {2}\n\n Environment:\n Hostname: {3}\n Username: {4}\n Python: {5}\n Working dir: {6}\n Build file: {7}\n Tasks: {8}\n Elapsed: {9:.3f}s\n\n===============================================================================\n{10}\n"

Returns a report banner including most information required to identify this build


Returns a formatted exception message, exactly as Python does, for the exc_type, exc_value and exc_traceback attributes.

Convenience method - delegates to the topmost execution object.

If no exception this method returns the empty string


Report the slowest tasks in the build (comprising >80% of build time, and being faster than 1ms)


Produce a report of the structure of the Tasks and their results


Returns a list of the the top-level Tasks that were executed.

If the top-level task is the logical grouping task, this will return the logical grouping’s dependents


An enumeration capturing the state of execution.

Execution is modelled as a state machine with the following states:

  1. STATE.STARTED: The Execution instance has been freshly created
  2. STATE.DEPENDENTS: The Processor is executing the Task dependencies from Dependencies
  3. STATE.RUNNING: The Processor is executing the main body of the Task
  4. STATE.CALLING: A Task is programmatically calling another Task
  5. STATE.SKIPPED: Directives caused the Task to be skipped (not executed) but treated as successful
  6. STATE.SUCCEEDED: The Task completed normally
  7. STATE.FAILED: The Task itself failed (raising an exception)
  8. STATE.ABORTED: A dependent Task of this Task failed. The Processor makes no attempt to run the main body of the Task
  9. STATE.REPEATED: A Task had already been executed (perhaps as a dependency or directly invoked); it is not executed again

And models state transitions as:

    /  .-----------------------------------> SKIPPED >--.|
   /  /  .----------------------.                       ||
  /  /  /                       |   .------> SUCCEEDED  ||
 /  /  /                        v  /                    ||
   |             |            |   ^            ^
   v             v            v   |            |
REPEATED      ABORTED        CALLING >---------'


  • If a directive fails in TaskWrapper.before() or TaskWrapper.after() the state will transition directly to FAILED and the system will stop
  • If @fail_if_skipped is used, then SKIPPED will transition to FAILED
  • The DEPENDENTS state will be skipped if there are no dependents
  • If a dependent Task fails, the parent is then ABORTED
  • RUNNING transits to CALLING if the Task calls build(). Normally this returns to RUNNING, but if the called Task fails, the calling task transitions to FAILED

alias of Enum, handle_exceptions=False)

Execute one task, optionally handling exceptions.

  • task (function or string) – The task to build. Either be the name of the Task, eg see Task names), or the function reference itself.
  • handle_exceptions (boolean) – Default False. Configures how exceptions should be treated. See below

The Execution call stack wrapped by a Result

Return type:


Raises :

If handle_exceptions is False, build() will raise the Exception raised by the Task that failed

handle_exception behaviour:

  • False (default): If a Task throws an exception, or fails, the exception is propagated to the caller.

  • True: The any exception thrown is handled by the function and the exception is wrapped in the Result object. The result of the call can be checked with:

    if result.success is False:
        # do error handling
        print result.exception


This function is for use within a task. Use run() to start a build as discussed in Running Dovetail

loader Module

A PEP 302 Python import hook for loading build scripts with classes that model the loaded packages and modules.

This behaves differently from the built-in loader by loading Python files from subdirectories without the presence of the

The loader is created on a base directory and searches by converting them into a directory under the base. For example:

>>> # assuming a file "" in /path/to/build/root
>>> load("/path/to/build/root/")
Building in /path/to/build/root
>>> # assuming in directory ./path/to/directory under /path/to/build/root
>>> load("path/to/directory/")
>>> # assuming @task declared on a function test() in above
>>> build("")
class dovetail.loader.BuildLoader(base_directory)

Bases: object

A PEP 302 Python loader to import build scripts and their dependencies.

class DirectoryLoader(loader, location)

Bases: object

A class implementing a PEP 302 load_module import hook for a directory.

Directories loaded into Dovetail with this loader contain ONLY references to the packages loaded from their directory. Otherwise they are empty and do not have the semantics


PEP 302 load_module implementation

class BuildLoader.FileLoader(loader, file_name)

Bases: object

A class implementing a PEP 302 load_module import hook for a file.

Files can be loaded from any subdirectory of base_directory. Functions and classes can be referenced like:

>>> import


>>> from import function
>>> function()

PEP 302 load_module implementation

BuildLoader.find_module(fullname, locations=None)

A PEP 302 import hook for BuildLoader

static BuildLoader.loaded()

Returns true if a BuildLoader import hook as been installed

static BuildLoader.register(base_directory)

Creates and registers a BuildLoader instance with the Python loader.

Parameters:base_directory (string) – The base directory for the build. Files outside this directory will not load
Returns:The build loaded singleton
Return type:BuildLoader


This must be called precisely once

class dovetail.loader.BuildModule(fullname, file_name, module=None)

Bases: object

An object that represents a single build file loaded in Dovetail.

All build files must be loaded by Dovetail using load(). Dovetail will not run Task in files loaded by, for example, the import statement. Indeed, if the Task functions are called directly, Dovetail will decline to run them.

BuildModule works with PackageNode. The latter represent each loaded package. Leaves on the package tree may be modules. These modules are modelled by a BuildModule.

  • fullname (string) – The unqualified name of the module containing the build file (the name of the file, less the .py extension)
  • file_name (string) – The path to the file being loaded
Attribute Type Description
name string The unqualified name of the module containing the build file (the name of the file, less the .py extension)
file_name string The file name of the loaded build file
module module Reference to the Python module containing the build. Note that module.__file__ is equal to file_name
parent BuildModule The BuildModule that loaded (directly or indirectly) this BuildModule
tasks dict of {string: Task} A dict of task-name -> Task instance. The key is the short name for the Task
loaded list of BuildModule A list of BuildModule instances which this build file directly (or indirectly) loaded. The order of the list is the order the dependencies where loaded.
base_directory = '/Users/aalcock/Development/dovetail/env/bin'
Type :string

The base directory for the build

static current()

Get the build module that’s currently running.

Returns:the highest BuildModule found in the stack.
Return type:BuildModule
static find(module)

Finds the BuildModule for the Python module argument

Parameters:module (Python module instance or the name of the module) – The module to search for
Returns:The BuildModule that wraps the module
Return type:BuildModule
Raises :NoSuchModule if the module was not loaded by Dovetail

Searches for task name in this BuildModule and it’s children.

Parameters:name (string) – The name of a Task. Accepts both non-qualified and fully-qualified Task names
Returns:The task
Return type:Task
Raises :NoSuchTask

Interrogates children directly loaded by this module and returns a list of Tasks with the name given in the argument.

This method allows a Task, say ‘clean’, in a parent build file to automatically call ‘clean’ in each of its descendants.

Parameters:name (string) – The name of a Task. The name must be the function name, not the fully qualified name.
Returns:All the tasks with that name under this BuildModule
Return type:list of Task (may be an empty list)

Returns the file name, relative to the build root, of this module

static register_task(task)

Register a task with the BuildModule database.

Parameters:task (Task) – The task that has just been loaded
Raises :NoSuchModule if the task was declared in a file that was not loaded via load()
static report_load_graph()

Print a tree of all build files (modules) loaded by calls to load()

root = <dovetail.loader.BuildModule object at 0x10cac1fd0>
Type :BuildModule

A reference to the build’s root build file

class dovetail.loader.PackageNode(full_name)

A data structure for describing package structure and which packages are associated with BuildModule instances.

PackageNode is a model of the tree structure of the build files loaded by Dovetail and their relative directory locations. It closely resembles the package structure in Python and uses the same dotted notation as Python.

Parameters:full_name (string) – The full name of the package being loaded
Attribute Type Description
name string The non-qualified name of this file
full_name string The full Python-style package name for this package, eg for top/subdir/, full name is
parent PackageNode The parent of this instance
children set of PackageNode The child packages of this package
build_module BuildModule For a PackageNode representing a file (rather than directory) this points to the corresponding BuildModule, otherwise None

Adds a PackageNode as a child of this one.

Parameters:node (PackageNode) – The PackageNode to be added to children

Find a child of the given name.

Parameters:name (string) – The name to search for in children
Returns:The child PackageNode if present, else None
Return type:PackageNode

Recursively removes this node and children from the graph

static find(module)

Finds a PackageNode instance for the given package.

Parameters:module (string or BuildModule) – Name of the package to find
Returns:The associated PackageNode
Return type:PackageNode
Raises :KeyError if there is no such PackageNode

The PackageNode graph does not include packages that are loaded but are independent of the build files loaded by load() (and have corresponding BuildModule instances)

static get_root()

Returns the root PackageNode of the package graph

static invalidate()

Invalidates the package graph forcing re-discovery next time get_root is called.

This is called whenever the PEP 302 hook ‘BuildLoader’ detects that import has been called


Returns True if the node is a leaf (eg no PackageNodes have been loaded by this node

static report_modules()

Prints a graph of the PackageNode instances to the console


Returns whether Dovetail has loaded itself and is ready to load directives


Load a build file which may be specified as a relative or absolute path (relative paths are relative to the file of the calling script).

Load will only load files in or under the build root (which is set as the directory containing the first build file loaded by Dovetail).

Paths may be specified with either forward or backward slash.

>>> # Load in the same directory as the calling script
>>> load("")
>>> # Load in directory 'dir' under the directory of the calling
>>> # script:
>>> load("dir/")
>>> # or
>>> load("dir\")
>>> # Load a specific file:
>>> load("/path/to/build/root/")

The very first call to load() should either supply an absolute path which will set the build’s base directory. Failing this, the current working directory is used to establish the build root.


main Module

Command-line entry-point.

dovetail.main.execute_in_vm(module, tasks, reports)

Execute the build in the current Python VM.

  • module (sys.module) – A reference to the module of the build root
  • tasks (list of string) – One or more tasks to run. Can be non-qualified task names if they are present in build_file, or fully-qualified task names for those in other files
  • reports (list of string) – The reports to run after the build completes

0 if successful, 1 if the build failed

Return type:


Raises :

Terminate if Dovetail itself crashes. Build steps will not raise this exception.


execute_in_vm() calls stamp_environment() to set a number of environment variables. These can be used by the build script to better understand the environment


Dovetail main entry point.

Exceptions thrown due to errors in command line arguments or system errors are caught and an appropriate message and/or banner is displayed to the user rather than cryptic stack traces, and Dovetail exits the Python interpreter.

dovetail.main.print_reports(result, reports)

Print all the reports specified in the second argument to the console on the Results passed as the first argument.


Report the tasks in the specified module in a simple one-level tree

Used to run tasks from in a build script when the script has been loaded directly by Python.

When a script is run in the following way:

$ python task1 task2

It can invoke Dovetail functionality using this fragment:

from dovetail import *
import sys


if __name__ == "__main__":
Parameters:tasks (list of string) – One or more tasks to run. Can be non-qualified task names if they are present in build_file, or fully-qualified task names for those in other files
Returns:0 if successful, 1 if the build failed
Return type:int
Raises :Terminate if Dovetail itself crashes. Build steps will not raise this exception.


If you want to simply execute a task from within another task, use the
build() method.


Read the warnings in Running Dovetail

dovetail.main.task_help(build_file, tasks)

Validate arguments and attempt to print help on the tasks

dovetail.main.validate_tasks(task_list, module=None)

Processes the list of Task targets into a list of normalized task names.

The method also validates the list of tasks in the module name provided.

model Module

The object model for Dovetail.

class dovetail.model.Dependencies

Bases: object

A simple dictionary-based store for recording dependencies of one Task on another.

This is an internal object used by the depends() directive and the Task class.

This class does not handle automatic dependencies (see Automatic dependencies).

static add(task_or_func, *dependencies)

Adds a list of dependencies to a Task.

  • task_or_func (Task or string) – A task defined either by name or by its function
  • dependencies (list of function or string) – The dependant tasks defined by name or function
static get(task)

Retrieves a task’s dependencies.

Parameters:task (Task) – The task for which dependencies are sought
Returns:list of dependencies for a Task, or the empty list if none.
Return type:list of function or string
class dovetail.model.LoadedTask(func)

Bases: dovetail.model.Task

A minor specialization of Task that registers with BuildModule so that its dependencies can be resolved.


Gets this task’s dependencies.

Returns:The Task instances on which this instance depends. If no dependencies, it will be the empty list
Return type:list of Task


This method returns the tasks of the same name in child build modules.

dovetail.model.NULL_TASK = NullTask singleton

A reference to the NullTask singleton

class dovetail.model.NullTask

Bases: dovetail.model.Task

A logical root of the Task dependency hierarchy when the user specifies multiple Tasks from the command line. This allows the Task graph to be logically single-rooted.

This object is stored in dovetail.model.NULL_TASK


Returns a list of Task instances on which this Task depends.

This includes tasks of the same name in child modules


Called to anchor the Null Task as logically associated with the build file specified on the command line.

This is needed so that children of the NullTask have a build root.

class dovetail.model.Task(func)

Bases: object

An object representing a Task in a build system.

Tasks are functions, taking no arguments, identified with the ‘@task’ directive. A task’s short name is the name of the function. A hello-world for Dovetail is:

from dovetail import task

def hello_world():
Parameters:func (function()) – A reference to the task’s function

Tasks have the following members:

Attribute Type Description
module module The module in which the Task function is declared
func_name string The name of the function (f.__name__)
name string The fully qualified name of the Task
source string The absolute path of the file in which the Task is declared
dir string The directory in which source is situated

At instantiation time, the task instance captures the name and module of the task’s function - it does not capture a reference to the function. This approach means the function can be decorated or otherwise modified after the @task decorator is processed and the Task instance will ‘see’ the additional decoration.

At the time of resolution in get_function(), the module’s namespace is interrogated for the function name.

A task (in the build sense) is modelled by a combination of classes:

Class Description
Task The class models the core aspects of a task and provides a in-memory datastore for all tasks.
TaskWrapper A algorithmic class that captures the wrapping behaviour of directives such as @Env and @do_if
Dependencies A data store capturing all the dependencies of every task loaded. Dependencies are not resolved until runtime to allow forward references in build files. The class provides an API to look up any task’s dependencies.
TaskWorkingDirectories A data store capturing the path specified in the @cwd directive. This is needed because the Task has not been created when the @cwd directive is processed.

Implementation note: There is a special Null Task always present that is used to to logically root a graph of Tasks. This can be retrieved from dovetail.model.NULL_TASK.

static all_tasks()

Returns a set of all Task instances known to Dovetail.

static as_task_name(func)

A utility to create a Task name for a function.

Parameters:func (function()) – The function
Returns:Task name. The name is typically of the form “module:function”, but module name is dropped for the __main__ module
Return type:string

Builds out a tree of Task dependencies for reporting.

Returns:A directed graph of Task dependencies
Return type:Node
Node Class
Attribute Type Description
task function() or string The Task
children list of function() or string Dependencies of the task

Returns a list of Task instances on which this Task depends.

Returned dependencies include both the explicit dependencies created by @depends and stored in Dependencies, and also automatic dependencies between tasks of the same name in different files (see Automatic dependencies).

This is an abstract method implemented in:

static find(name_or_function, module=None)

Return the Task instance for the task of this name or function.

The Task can be looked up by passing a function reference - this is the easiest approach. You can also look up by Task name, which is relative to the package you are in. Tasks in the same file have the same name as the function. Otherwise Tasks declared at or below this use a relative package naming scheme, eg “package:function_name” - see Task names

The module argument can be specified to determine the starting point of the relative name search. If None, the call stack is examined to start the search from the file highest on the stack loaded by dovetail.load().

  • name_or_function (function() or string) – The name of the Task or the Task name
  • module (module) – Default None. Optional module to guide the search for the task.

The requested Task

Return type:


Raises :



  1. If using the module argument, only use the short name for the task
  2. If the task is specified by function, the module argument is ignored

Gets the Task instance’s documentation string.

Returns:The reformatted docstring from the Task’s implementation
Return type:string

Returns the function implementing this task.

This is looked up by name within the module namespace at the point of request.


Returns the directory in which the Task wants to be run.

Returns:The Task‘s working directory
Return type:string

This defaults to the Task.dir, but can be set directly. The working directory has several levels of default, in this order:

  1. Value set using TaskWorkingDirectories or the cwd() directive
  2. Task.dir

If TaskWorkingDirectories or cwd() explicitly sets the working directory to None (eg @cwd(None)), then the the Dovetail engine switches of working directory functionality for this task, and the task will execute in the working directory of the calling task.


Returns the TaskWrapper instances associated with this Task.

Returns:The directives
Return type:list of TaskWrapper

Prints a report of this Task and all its children, recursively; each Task’s docstring is printed


Writes one line in the Task report report - the Task name and docstring

class dovetail.model.TaskWorkingDirectories

Bases: object

A simple dictionary for storing @cwd directive working directory values and their retrieval.

This class is necessary as the Task has not been fully created when the @cwd decorator is executed.

See Task.get_working_directory() for more details

static get(task)

Retrieves the working directory set by @cwd for a Task; if not present, it throws KeyError

static set(task_or_func, directory)

Sets a working directory value for a specific Task.

Working directories may be declared by Task instance or by their function

class dovetail.model.TaskWrapper(name, func, before, after)

Bases: object

TaskWrappers are abstractions of directives that have been applied to a Task, eg @adjust_env().

A few directives are implemented directly in the Dovetail Processor and are not present as TaskWrapper instances:

  • @task
  • @depends
  • @cwd

Directive implementation contains a pre-Task function or a post-Task function or both. The pre- and post-Task functions may interrogate the environment, modify it, perform any calculation or modify the state of execution (eg by calling Execution.skip() or

  • name (string) – Task name
  • func (function()) – The Function that underlies a Task. Mandatory
  • before (function(Execution)) – Default None. Function called before the Task and Dependencies Return result ignored.
  • after (function(Execution, result)) – Default None. Function called after the Task and Dependencies. Second argument, result, will be the return value from the Task or None. The return result ignored by Dovetail.
after(execution, result)

Executes the after() method of the wrapper (if any)


Executes the before() method of the wrapper (if any)

static decorate(name, func, before=None, after=None)

Allows a zero-argument directive to register its pre- and post- functions.

  • func (function()) – The function (Task) being decorated by the directive
  • before (function(Execution)) – Default None. Function called before the Task and Dependencies Return result ignored.
  • after (function(Execution, result)) – Default None. Function called after the Task and Dependencies. Second argument, result, will be the return value from the Task or None. The return result ignored by Dovetail.


Return type:



This method has the important side-effect that it creates and registers a TaskWrapper that will be used by the Dovetail engine

static decorator_maker(name, before=None, after=None)

Allows a directive with arguments to register its pre- and post- functions.

This method returns a decorator which uses by TaskWrapper.decorate().

  • name (string) – Name of the Task to wrap
  • before (function(Execution)) – Default None. Function called before the Task and Dependencies Return result ignored.
  • after (function(Execution, result)) – Default None. Function called after the Task and Dependencies. Second argument, result, will be the return value from the Task or None. The return result ignored by Dovetail.

A decorator of the TaskWrapper

Return type:


static get(task)

Gets a list of TaskWrappers for this Task.

Parameters:task (Task) – A Task
Returns:The TaskWrappers for task
Return type:list of Task

The function used to create the NullTask held in dovetail.model.NULL_TASK

test_config Module

py.test tests for

class dovetail.test_config.TestConfig

Bases: object

dovetail.test_config.write_file(file_name, content)

virtual Module

Interface to virtualenv.

The main purpose is to support running the build in:

  • An existing virtual environment
  • A new virtual environment
  • A freshly recreated virtual environment
dovetail.virtual.BOOTSTRAP = '\n# Check to see if Dovetail is running\nimport sys\nimport os\ntry:\n import dovetail\n print "Dovetail is already installed"\nexcept ImportError:\n print "Dovetail is not installed in virtual environment. Modifying system path"\n path = sys.argv[1]\n sys.path.insert(0, path)\n try:\n import dovetail\n print "Dovetail loaded from", path\n except ImportError as exception:\n print "Path", path, "did not work - got exception:", exception\n print "Failing build"\n exit(254)\n\nvirtualenv = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.executable))\ndovetail.util.utilities.set_virtual_environment(virtualenv)\ndovetail.main.main(*sys.argv[2:])\n'

A script used to bootstrap Dovetail in a virtualenv sub-process

dovetail.virtual.build_command_line(python, bootstrap, arguments)

Produce a command line for calling a virtual environment.

  • python (string) – Path to the Python executable in a virtual environment
  • bootstrap (string) – Path to the file which bootstraps the build in the virtual environment
  • arguments (list of string) – Additional command line arguments

The command line to bootstrap the build in a virtual environment

Return type:


This is basically the same as the command line which called this, but we remove the virtual environment arguments


Returns the sys.path entry that loaded this module (dovetail)

Returns:Path to dovetail
Return type:string
dovetail.virtual.get_virtualenv_command(directory, clear=False)

Returns the command to create a virtualenv environment.

  • directory (string) – A path to the virtual environment to be tested
  • clear (boolean) – Erase any pre-existing environment?

A command suitable for executing with

Return type:

list of string


Attempts to install and validate virtualenv returning the path to the virtualenv executable.

If the installation fails, the function raises InvalidEnvironment exception.

Returns:The full path to the newly-created virtualenv executable
Return type:string
Raises :InvalidEnvironment
dovetail.virtual.prepare_virtual(proposed, clear)

Prepare the proposed virtual environment, returning the path to the Python executable to use.

This function will call virtualenv to create the environment if either the environment is not present, or the –clear option was specified.

  • proposed (string) – A path to the virtual environment to be created or used
  • clear (boolean) – Erase any pre-existing environment?

The full path to the virtualenv executable under proposed

Return type:


Raises :


dovetail.virtual.probe_existing(directory, python_exe)

Validates the virtual environment to ensure it can be used, raising an exception if it is not.

  • directory (string) – A path to the virtual environment to be tested
  • python_exe (string) – A path to the Python executable in the environment
Raises :


dovetail.virtual.probe_new(directory, python_exe)

Validates whether we can create a virtual environment - can we write to the specified directory?

  • directory (string) – A path to the virtual environment to be tested
  • python_exe (string) – A path to the Python executable in the environment
Raises :


dovetail.virtual.run_virtual(virtualenv, clear, kw)

Runs the test in a virtualenv environment, creating and clearing it if necessary.

  • virtualenv (string) – A path to a existing or to-be-built virtual environment
  • clear (boolean) – Erase any pre-existing environment?
  • kw (list of string) – Command line arguments

The return of the process

Return type:


The arguments from the original invocation should be passed untouched and will (after manipulation) be passed to the virtual environment


Creates a bootstrap Python file in a directory, returning the path to the bootstrap file.

Parameters:directory (string) – Path to directory in which to write the bootstrap
Returns:Path to the file
Return type:string