Ant Globs

Apache Ant fileset is documented at the Apache Ant project:


Ant Globs are like simple file globs (they use ? and * in the same way), but include powerful ways for selecting directories. The examples below use the Ant glob naming, so a leading slash represents the top of the search, not the root of the file system.

Selects every matching file anywhere in the whole tree
Matches / and /bar/ but not /foo.pyc or /bar/foo.pyc/

Selects every matching file in the root of the directory (but no deeper).

Matches / but not /bar/

Matches all files under /myapp and below.
Matches all files /myapp and below.

Selects every in directory dir1. dir1 directory can be anywhere in the directory tree

Matches /dir1/, /dir3/dir1/ and /dir3/dir2/dir1/ but not /dir1/another/

Same as above.
Same as above.

Selects every in dir1 in the directory tree /myapp under the root.

Matches /myapp/dir1/ and /myapp/dir2/dir1/ but not /myapp/file.txt and /dir1/file.txt

Default excludes

Ant FileSet (and Formic) has built-in patterns to screen out a lot of development ‘noise’, such as hidden VCS files and directories. The full list is at get_initial_default_excludes().

Default excludes can be simply switched off on both the command line and the API, for example:

$ formic -i "*.py" -e "" "**/*test*/" "test_*" --no-default-excludes

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